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Help with Capitalization: Auto Correct Tools and Checkers

Need help with capitalization? Both Microsoft Word and Google Docs include three features to assist with capitalization. One feature automatically capitalizes the first letter of a sentence. The second feature offers suggestions for capitalizing proper nouns. Finally, the third feature allows you to select text and apply capitalization formatting.

The benefits of auto capitalization tools and checkers:

  • Saves time by automatically capitalizing the first letter in a sentence
  • Ensures that capitalization rules are followed
  • Reduces mistakes and improves the professionalism of the document

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Microsoft: Capitalization features

Auto capitalization for the first letter of a sentence in Word

Microsoft Word will automatically capitalize the first letter of a sentence. However, it is important that punctuation is used. You must add a period at the end of the sentence. Then, the first letter of the next sentence will be automatically capitalized.

  1. Open a document in Word.
  2. Start typing the first word of a sentence using all lowercase letters.
  3. Once you type a space after the first word, the first letter of the word will automatically change to a capital letter.
  4. Add a period to the end of the sentence.
  5. Repeat steps 1 – 3.

Microsoft Support Article: Turn AutoCorrect on or off in WordTurn AutoCorrect on or off in Outlook

A new document in Microsoft Word. The first six letters of the word "testing" are typed in the document. The "t" is lettercase.
The beginning of the word “testing” is typed in all lowercase in Microsoft Word.
In Microsoft Word, the word "testing" is typed with a space. The first letter is capitalized.
In Word, the first letter of the first word of a sentence is automatically capitalized once a space is placed after the word.

Suggestions for capitalization in Word

Microsoft will offer suggestions for capitalization for:

  • well-known brand names
  • common names of people
  • well-known places
  • days of the week and months of the year

There are limitations to this feature. It may not recognize certain names of people and places. Also, the feature does not offer suggestions for capitalization.

In Microsoft Word, a spell check pop-up window shows a suggestion for the name Chris to be capitalized.
The spell checker in Word will suggest capitalization of common names of people.
In Microsoft Word, a spell check pop-up box shows a suggestion for the brand name Nike to be capitalized.
The spell checker in Word will suggest capitalization of recognizable brand names.

Capitalization formatting in Word

In Microsoft Word, you also have the ability to select text and choose the capitalization format. The choices are sentence case, lowercase, uppercase, capitalize each word, or toggle case.

  1. Select a word or group of words.
  2. In the Home tab, press the More button (three dots).
  3. Select Change Case.
  4. Choose Capitalize Each Word to capitalize the first letter of the word(s).

Microsoft Support Article: Change the capitalization or case of text

Google: Capitalization features

Auto capitalization for the first letter of a sentence in Docs

Google Docs will automatically capitalize the first letter of a sentence. Like the automatic capitalization feature in Microsoft, it is important that punctuation is used. You must add a period at the end of the sentence. Then, the first letter of the next sentence will be automatically capitalized.

  1. Open a document in Docs.
  2. Start typing the first word of a sentence using all lowercase letters.
  3. Once you type a space after the first word, the first letter of the word will automatically change to a capital letter.
  4. Add a period to the end of the sentence.
  5. Repeat steps 1 – 3.

To turn auto capitalization on or off, select Tools > Preferences > General and check the box for “Automatically capitalize words.” Then, press OK. 

A new document in Google Docs. The first six letters of the word "testing" are typed in the document. The "t" is lettercase.
The beginning of the word “testing” is typed in all lowercase in Google Docs.
In Google Docs, the word "testing" is typed with a space. The first letter is capitalized.
In Docs, the first letter of the first word of a sentence is automatically capitalized once a space is placed after the word.

Suggestions for capitalization in Docs

  • common names of people
  • well-known places
  • days of the week and months of the year

The capitalization suggestion feature in Google Docs has limitations. It does not offer capitalization suggestions for brand names. Also, if you add punctuation after a proper noun (such as a weekday, month, city or state), the capitalization feature does not work. Yet, if you add a space behind a proper noun, the capitalization suggestion feature does work. So, be aware of these limitations.

In Google Docs, the following two sentences appear. Alex and Chris like to play basketball. They like to wear nike high top shoes. The spell check suggestion offers the name Chris to be capitalized, but does not recognize the capitalization error of the brand name.
The spell checker in Docs will suggest capitalization of common names of people. It does not suggest capitalization for brand names.

Capitalization formatting in Docs

In Google Docs, you have the ability to select text and choose the capitalization format. The choices are lowercase, uppercase, or title case.

  1. Select a word or group of words.
  2. Click Format in the menu.
  3. Then, select Text.
  4. Choose Capitalization.
  5. Select title case to capitalize the first letter of the word(s).
In Google Docs, a list of the days of the week is highlighted. The first letter of each word is capitalized.
Capitalization formatting was used in Docs to capitalize the first letter of each day of the week.
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Additional assistance with writing conventions

Resources: Other capitalization checkers – Online capital letter checker. Paste your writing into a window and run the checker. Free for basic features.

Grammarly – Digital tool that identifies errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation and provides suggestions for correction. Browser extension. Free for basic features.

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