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How to Create an Outline in Word Online and Google Docs

Creating an outline from your reading material is a powerful way to enhance comprehension by organizing key details and concepts. This structured approach allows you to distill complex information into manageable sections, making it easier to grasp the main ideas and see connections between them. Both Word Online and Google Docs offer a simple numbered list feature that makes outlining a breeze. In this blog, you’ll learn how to craft an outline to transform your reading experience and improve your understanding of the content!

The benefits of creating an outline from reading material:

  • Identifying key concepts and writing them in your words improves understanding and reinforces learning
  • The organization of key concepts aids in reviewing and studying
  • Outlines are shown to improve retention and recall of information

Now, learn how to create an outline in Word Online and Google Docs using your free Microsoft account and free Google account.

Microsoft: Numbering button (outline creation tool) in Word Online

The Numbering button in Word Online is an outline creation tool. Use this to type main ideas and supporting details from your reading material.

  1. Place the text cursor in a document.
  2. Select the Home tab.
  3. Click the arrow next to the Numbering button (1, 2, 3 list icon).
  4. Select a Mulit-Level list from the drop down
  5. Type a main idea.
  6. Press Enter, then immediately press Tab. (Ignore the number that appears after pressing enter. Once you press Tab, the sub-level letter or number will appear.)
  7. Type a supporting detail. Repeat step 6 for each supporting detail.
  8. Press Enter to type another main idea. Again, repeat step 6 for each supporting detail.

Microsoft Support article: Create an outline from scratch

Outline of key information created in Word
Outline of key information created in Word

Google: Numbered list button (outline creation tool) in Google Docs

Use the Numbered List button in Google Docs to create an outline.

  1. Place the text cursor in a document.
  2. Press the down arrow next to the Numbered List button (1, 2, 3 list icon)
  3. Choose a list.
  4. Type a main idea.
  5. Press Enter, then immediately press Tab. (Ignore the number that appears after pressing enter. Once you press tab, the sub-level letter or number will appear.)
  6. Type a supporting detail. Repeat step 5 for each supporting detail.
  7. Press Enter to type another main idea. Again, repeat step 5 for each supporting detail.

Google Help article: Add a bulleted or numbered list

Outline of key information created in Google Docs
Outline of key information created in Google Docs
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Additional reading comprehension tools

Explore 5 more reading comprehension strategies and technology tools that help with focus, identifying key concepts and, most importantly, understanding and remembering the information.

  1. Chunk text using a digital reading window
  2. Highlight key information with a digital highlighter
  3. Insert comments to restate and remember the main concepts
  4. Use graphic organizers to make connections 
  5. Try a summary tool or text simplification tool

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